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Life Hacks

This is the table of contents for all blog posts related to daily life hack ideas.

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Life Hacks

  1. A Simple Door Alarm Using a Clothes Peg - New !!
  2. Adhesives or Glue Chart for your sticky moment - New !!
  3. Avoid hammering your fingers with a clothespin
  4. Avoid wet mess dripping from your garbage bag when you take it out
  5. Beverage can or pop can alcohol stove
  6. Cup based smartphone car holder stand
  7. DIY smartphone tripod mount
  8. Double your closet capacity with used soda pop tab
  9. Hold your cookbook with a pants hanger while cooking
  10. How to Make a Firecracker with Light Matches - New !!
  11. How to clean cloudy drinking glasses
  12. How to clean your dirty shower head with ease
  13. How to convert Youtube videos to animated GIF - New !!
  14. How to efficiently search for a solution for a computer error - New !!
  15. How to escape yourself from cable ties or zip ties cuffs - New !!
  16. How to find your missing tiny items like earrings with a vacuum cleaner
  17. How to fix a pair of old running shoes with contact adhesive
  18. How to make a simple solar panel USB charger
  19. How to make sure you drink enough water through the day
  20. How to mute the sports channel commentary on your 5.1 channel audio system - New !!
  21. How to pack a suitcase like a pro - New !!
  22. How to remove grease stains on a wall with chalk sticks
  23. How to sharpen rotary shaver blades with a mirror - New !!
  24. How to sharpen rotary shaver blades with a mug - New !!
  25. How to use dumb charger to charge rechargeable batteries
  26. Iron your shirt collar with your wifey hair straightener
  27. Keep your bananas fresh with this neat trick
  28. Make a negative film scanner from a shoe box
  29. Make a ready ice water on the go with this trick
  30. Make a vertical stand for your modem and router to save some table space
  31. Make your dirty clothes smells good while travelling with scented soap
  32. Penny Alcohol Backpacking Stove
  33. Pressurized pop can alcohol stove
  34. Save your USB charger cables with a pen spring
  35. The Making of Capillary Action Alcohol Stove
  36. The Making of Open Jet Alcohol Stove
  37. This is how keylock works
  38. Use a post it to clean in between the keys on your computer keyboard


  1. Make a negative film scanner from a shoe box


  1. Beverage can or pop can alcohol stove
  2. Penny Alcohol Backpacking Stove
  3. Pressurized pop can alcohol stove
  4. The Making of Capillary Action Alcohol Stove
  5. The Making of Open Jet Alcohol Stove

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