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How to Make a Firecracker with Light Matches

This is a YouTube video from MrGear that shows you how you can make a firecracker with light matches. The whole video actually shows you 4 awesome tricks with light matches, the last one is about how to make a firecracker out of them. Below is the video and if you have a slow connection, you can refer to the video screenshots below the video.

4 Awesome Tricks with Matches by MrGear

Video Screenshots

You will need a piece of paper.

Cut the paper with a length that you want for the body of the firecracker. There are measurements in the video. Using a pen as a template for the tunnel size, roll the paper on top of the pen.

Apply some glue at your first roll.

Apply some glue at the whole of the paper.

Roll the paper all the way to make a cylinder with the tunnel size of the pen used just a moment ago.

Roll another piece of paper with a smaller tunnel size and shorter to be uaed as the plug at the bottom.

Push it into the bottom of the paper roll.

Use a glue gun to seal the bottom hole.

Using a pair of pliers, crush the matches tips and collect them in a box.

Put the crushed matches tips into the paper cylinder.

Make another short paper roll with a smaller tunnel which is big enough to put a fuse through it. Plug it in and put the fuse into it. Use a glue gun to seal any openings.

This is how a complete homemade firecracker looks like.

Make a few more and have fun with them.


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