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Table of Contents

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  1. Repetitive automatic mouse click loops


  1. How to force stop or cancel Android download manager downloading process
  2. How to hide music album art cover files from photo gallery in Android

Casio AE-1200WHD

  1. City Code Table for Casio AE-1200WHD (Casio Royale) Watch
  2. Table of countries with their country codes and GMT offsets - New !!

Casio SGW 300HD-1AV

  1. Table of countries with their country codes and GMT offsets - New !!

D-Link DNS-320L

  1. D-Link DNS-320L ShareCenter Useful Links
  2. Sharing smart phone mobile data internet hotspot with WiFi router


  1. Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Jellyfin on Windows with Docker - New !!

Google Blogger Tips and Tricks

  1. A/B Testing Javascript
  2. BlockAdBlock with Google Analytics Integration
  3. Blogger Template editing resources
  4. How to Backup Blogger Blog Easily with Windows Desktop Shortcut
  5. How to add breadcrumbs to Google Blogger blog template
  6. How to avoid parsing error in Blogger Template editor when adding HTML or Javascript codes
  7. How to create a related posts list and place it right at the end of the content
  8. How to create a table of contents for Google Blogger posts based on their labels
  9. How to make YouTube embedded videos responsive on Blogger blogs
  10. How to make blog post images responsive in Blogger
  11. How to make sure the new Google Blogger theme sidebar menu button to stay on all types of pages
  12. How to place Adsense ads inside Blogger post
  13. How to place or insert Adsense ads between blog post and comment in Blogger
  14. How to reformat HTML and Javascript to be readable
  15. How to replace the Blogger built-in inlineAd adcode with your custom code
  16. How to reuse the Google Blogger search box as Google Custom Search box
  17. YouTube RSS feeds url

Hiking & Trekking

  1. Monkeys while hiking up to 47 rest area from Penang Botanical Gardens
  2. Orange leech at Penang Botanical Gardens


  1. Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Jellyfin on Windows with Docker - New !!

Life Hacks

  1. A Simple Door Alarm Using a Clothes Peg
  2. Adhesives or Glue Chart for your sticky moment
  3. Avoid hammering your fingers with a clothespin
  4. Avoid wet mess dripping from your garbage bag when you take it out
  5. Double your closet capacity with used soda pop tab
  6. Hold your cookbook with a pants hanger while cooking
  7. How to Make a Firecracker with Light Matches
  8. How to clean cloudy drinking glasses
  9. How to clean your dirty shower head with ease
  10. How to convert Youtube videos to animated GIF
  11. How to efficiently search for a solution for a computer error
  12. How to escape yourself from cable ties or zip ties cuffs
  13. How to find your missing tiny items like earrings with a vacuum cleaner
  14. How to fix a pair of old running shoes with contact adhesive
  15. How to make sure you drink enough water through the day
  16. How to mute the sports channel commentary on your 5.1 channel audio system
  17. How to pack a suitcase like a pro
  18. How to remove grease stains on a wall with chalk sticks
  19. How to sharpen rotary shaver blades with a mirror
  20. How to sharpen rotary shaver blades with a mug
  21. How to use dumb charger to charge rechargeable batteries
  22. Iron your shirt collar with your wifey hair straightener
  23. Keep your bananas fresh with this neat trick
  24. Make a negative film scanner from a shoe box
  25. Make a ready ice water on the go with this trick
  26. Make your dirty clothes smells good while travelling with scented soap
  27. Save your USB charger cables with a pen spring
  28. Use a post it to clean in between the keys on your computer keyboard


  1. How to boot Asus EeePC 1005px from USB drive
  2. How to prevent Raspberry Pi SD card cloning
  3. How to remove a record of an installed package without removing the installed files in Linux - New !!
  4. How to securely erase or wipe disk drives using bootable Ubuntu Live USB thumb drive
  5. One line Linux command to kill all instances of a program or script running in the background
  6. Turn off USB and LAN on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  7. Turn off the HDMI output on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  8. Turn off the Power LED on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  9. Turn off the WiFi and Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!

Malaysia Hiking Trails

  1. Janda Baik to Gunung (mount) Nuang Hiking Trail
  2. Titi Hayun to Regency Hotel at Gunung (Mount) Jerai

Ms Excel

  1. How to add line break in Ms Excel cell using formula
  2. How to auto run a VBA macro whenever Ms Excel or Ms Project starts
  3. How to combine text from 2 cells into 1 cell in Ms Excel
  4. How to open 2 Excel files and separately show them in 2 computer monitors.

Penang Hiking Trails

  1. Bukit Cendana Hiking Trail
  2. Moon Gate to Station 5 Rest Area via Wild Boar Trails


  1. Make a negative film scanner from a shoe box

Raspberry Pi

  1. How to prevent Raspberry Pi SD card cloning
  2. How to remove a record of an installed package without removing the installed files in Linux - New !!
  3. Howto Set Up Raspberry Pi Without PC Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse - New !!
  4. Turn off USB and LAN on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  5. Turn off the HDMI output on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  6. Turn off the Power LED on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  7. Turn off the WiFi and Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!

Rojak News

  1. Rojak News Android app video tutorials


  1. A Better SKMEI 1358 Instructions Manual
  2. A Better SKMEI 1418 / 1427 Instructions Manual
  3. SKMEI 1358 Review
  4. SKMEI 1358 alarm function
  5. SKMEI 1358 countdown timer
  6. SKMEI 1358 digital altimeter
  7. SKMEI 1358 digital barometer
  8. SKMEI 1358 digital compass
  9. SKMEI 1358 pacer function
  10. SKMEI 1358 pedometer (step counter)
  11. SKMEI 1358 second timezone
  12. SKMEI 1358 stopwatch function
  13. SKMEI 1358 watch main screen
  14. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 alarm function
  15. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 countdown timer
  16. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital altimeter
  17. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital barometer
  18. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital compass
  19. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 pacer function
  20. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 pedometer (step counter)
  21. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 second timezone
  22. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 stopwatch function
  23. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 watch main screen

SKMEI 1358

  1. A Better SKMEI 1358 Instructions Manual
  2. SKMEI 1358 Review
  3. SKMEI 1358 alarm function
  4. SKMEI 1358 countdown timer
  5. SKMEI 1358 digital altimeter
  6. SKMEI 1358 digital barometer
  7. SKMEI 1358 digital compass
  8. SKMEI 1358 pacer function
  9. SKMEI 1358 pedometer (step counter)
  10. SKMEI 1358 second timezone
  11. SKMEI 1358 stopwatch function
  12. SKMEI 1358 watch main screen

SKMEI 1418 / 1427

  1. A Better SKMEI 1418 / 1427 Instructions Manual
  2. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 alarm function
  3. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 countdown timer
  4. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital altimeter
  5. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital barometer
  6. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital compass
  7. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 pacer function
  8. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 pedometer (step counter)
  9. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 second timezone
  10. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 stopwatch function
  11. SKMEI 1418 / 1427 watch main screen

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  1. How to hide music album art cover files from photo gallery in Android

Samsung Galaxy Note 4

  1. How to access app info in Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  2. How to add widgets in Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  3. How to block a number with Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  4. How to block background data of an app for Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  5. How to change access permissions of an app for Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  6. How to change an app notifications behaviour in Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  7. How to disable flipboard briefing in Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  8. How to disable keyboard auto correct for Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  9. How to enable the camera LED flash light as a notification LED light on Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  10. How to enable the home and power buttons to answer and ends calls on Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  11. How to find out how much storage space an app is taking up in your Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  12. How to force only 4G or LTE network connection for Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  13. How to force stop or cancel Android download manager downloading process
  14. How to hide music album art cover files from photo gallery in Android
  15. How to recalibrate your Samsung Note 4 battery
  16. Power Bank Case for Samsung Galaxy Note 4
  17. Prevent your Samsung Note4 screen from turning off while you are looking at it
  18. Streaming music to laptop speakers from Samsung Note 4
  19. Wake up your Samsung Galaxy Note 4 without pressing any buttons

Samsung Gear Fit

  1. How to get hourly vibration on your Samsung Gear Fit
  2. Samsung Gear Fit Reviews


  1. Auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder
  2. Generate SSL certifications for Mosquitto MQTT TLS Security in Windows - New !!
  3. How to automate your CPU crypto currency mining whenever your Windows PC is idle
  4. How to prevent Raspberry Pi SD card cloning
  5. One line Linux command to kill all instances of a program or script running in the background
  6. Repetitive automatic mouse click loops

Stocks Investment

  1. A Summary of the Fundamental Analysis Strategy
  2. An Excel Watchlist with Fundamental Analysis for Value Stocks
  3. Case Study on Specific Industries based on current situation (Sep 2016)
  4. Fundamental Analysis of Malaysiaā€™s Stocks Market

Table of Contents

  1. Life Hacks
  2. Samsung Galaxy Note 4


  1. Bangkok Tourist Maps

VBA macro

  1. How to auto run a VBA macro whenever Ms Excel or Ms Project starts
  2. How to save file and automatically overwrite an existing file without prompt in VBA macro

Watch Reviews

  1. SKMEI 1358 Review


  1. Auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder
  2. Generate SSL certifications for Mosquitto MQTT TLS Security in Windows - New !!
  3. How to automate your CPU crypto currency mining whenever your Windows PC is idle
  4. How to boot Asus EeePC 1005px from USB drive
  5. How to rip DVDs to MKV or MP4 files
  6. Skip the Login Screen: Enable Auto-Login on Windows 11 Today - New !!
  7. Streaming music to laptop speakers from Samsung Note 4
  8. Workarounds for Windows File History to use internal drive

Windows 10

  1. Auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder
  2. Generate SSL certifications for Mosquitto MQTT TLS Security in Windows - New !!
  3. How to enable Windows 10 battery saver mode always on
  4. Sharing smart phone mobile data internet hotspot with WiFi router
  5. Workarounds for Windows File History to use internal drive

Windows 11

  1. Skip the Login Screen: Enable Auto-Login on Windows 11 Today - New !!

eTrex 20

  1. How to fix broken (disintegrated) Garmin eTrex 20 rubber buttons

iRova KK8

  1. Dust Bin Overflowed
  2. IRova KK8 avoiding sunlight like a virtual wall
  3. Trick your iRova K6L robotic vacuum there is a virtual wall with black electrical tape
  4. iRova KK8 Battery Teardown
  5. iRova KK8 Review: Did it manage to cover all floor space?
  6. iRova KK8 Review: How easy is it to maintain this robotic vacuum?
  7. iRova KK8 Review: How smart and how dumb is it?
  8. iRova KK8 Review: How well does it clean?
  9. iRova KK8 Review: What other brands using this OEM KK8 robotic vacuum cleaner?
  10. iRova KK8 Robotic Vacuum Review
  11. iRova KK8 Robotic Vacuum User Manual
  12. iRova KK8 Robotic Vacuum Videos Compilation
  13. iRova KK8 and Black Electrical Tape Virtual Wall


  1. Compound Interests
  2. Do you know your coffee?
  3. Flamethrower vs Liquid Nitrogen
  4. The Chuck Taylor All Star
  5. Your Guide to Pork Cuts

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