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A Better SKMEI 1358 Instructions Manual

This SKMEI 1358 digital watch is a great watch for a really cheap price. However, the instructions manual is far from good. It took me some time to explore some of the functions and at the same time trying to understand the instructions manual provided by SKMEI. I decided to write an alternative instructions manual for this watch so that other owners of this watch might benefit from it. But never the less, I am not a good English language writer myself. But I do think it is still better than the instructions manual provided. Feel free to correct me using the comment section.

A better alternative SKMEI 1358 instructions manual


  1. how i can make it beep every hour ?

    1. You can refer to

    2. Where is the link for manual 1358 ?

  2. Good job bro. Keep it up and tq

  3. Hi,

    My altimeter is not functioning. i set it to zero for a test then i do a day hike, from summit the my currect alti is still on 0 meter

    1. Better check if your baro is working too. I think its defective.

    2. Ton altimètre ne doit pas être à zéro... il faut le calibrer à l'altitude normale... de même pour le baromètre

  4. Muchas gracias, me sirvio bastante.

  5. Los iconos de nube sol y lluvia como funcionan

  6. Bro, me ayudas con el reloj, por favor? La temperatura varia muy seguido y la marca mal. Y no sé cómo configurar el altímetro, que valores colocarle.

  7. Can you change temp from centigrade to farenheit?

    1. section 6. Barometer @ end of the topic.

  8. Sir how to clear pedometer history on skmei 1358

  9. sr me puede enviar un link para descargar el manual que ud hizo para el skmei 1358,muchas gracias ,por su compromiso en hacer un manual mucho mas facil de entender,saludos cordiales carlos

  10. No puedo abrir el manual no se que tipo de aplicación se necesita por favor le rogaría que me ayude ya que compre el 1358 y tuve la ingrata sorpresa de que las instrucciones no estan en castellano

  11. 세컨 타임 부분 초 동기화 설정 가능한가요?
    메인 시간 초 부분을 정확히 맞추고 나니 세컨타임 초는 계속 지 갈길 가는데ㅠ.ㅠ

  12. no e podido calibrar manualmente el altimetro de mi reloj. siempre q pongo la altura en la que me encuentro y sale done termina mostrando una altura mucho menor

  13. Why my skmei 1358 doesn’t always show all three (Alti Baro comp) just below the time in main display?

  14. Help! I can't seem to get to your better instructions for skmei 1358! I click on the title of the article and it just keeps cycling back to the table of contents. Really trying to learn about my new watch! Thanks!

  15. Hello.The weather icon is stupid.In sunny days, in the clock is rain...Help please.

  16. tks a lot. it saved me hours watching crap in youtube. Congrats for the job!

  17. Where is the link to manual 1358 ?

  18. Hi, I have no idea how to start pedometer - when I press down "down" button and hold instead start I cann see for one second "err1", then small icon of walking human appears but no steps are count (always 0)


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