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How to export Tasker's Projects, Profiles, Tasks and Scenes

In order to share your Tasker love (projects, profiles, tasks or scenes) to all Tasker users, you will need to export Tasker's projects, profiles, tasks or scenes to xml files. Anyone out there looking for a specific automation for their Android phone could just download and import the xml files into their Tasker Android application and tweak the automation to suite their own use.

Somehow i felt that the export and import functions are not that intuitive. I did took a bit of time and Googling to find out how to export and import properly.

This post will show you how to access the export function in Tasker.

To export your created projects (in my case my project name is "Super"), tap the project name to pop up a menu.

To export your created profiles, long tap your profile and tap the menu button (the 3 vertical dots at the top right).

The same steps apply for Tasks and scenes.

Note: At the time of writing, this how to is based on Tasker 4.0

After you have exported your Tasker's Projects, Profiles or Tasks, the xml file is saved at these location respectively:
  • Profiles : path_to_sdcard/Tasker/profiles
  • Projects : path_to_sdcard/Tasker/projects
  • Tasks : path_to_sdcard/Tasker/tasks


  1. That's it? Where does the xml get saved?

    1. Hi, I have updated my post to include the location where the xml is saved after export.

    2. On my phone exporting works like youve instructed but on my table the export does not show up anywhere. Extremely annoying so I have no idea on how to export from my tab. Any thoughts?

    3. I have never tried it on tablet but maybe you can use some of those file explorer that could search through your file system for the xml file export. It might tell you where the exported file located.

  2. I can Export My Tasker Profiles But I cant Import My Profiles...



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