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A Better SKMEI 1418 / 1427 Instructions Manual

This SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital watch is a great outdoor watch for a really cheap price. However, the instructions manual is far from good. It took me some time to explore some of the functions and at the same time trying to understand the instructions manual provided by SKMEI. I decided to write an alternative instructions manual for this watch so that other owners of this watch might benefit from it. But never the less, I am not a good English language writer myself. But I do think it is still better than the instructions manual provided. Feel free to correct me using the comment section.

A better alternative SKMEI 1418 / 1427 instructions manual


  1. I appreciate the work. I just can't open any of the hyperlinks

  2. I can't open the hipervĆ­nculos.

  3. Where is the pdf of the manual???
    Your f... website with your f... adblocker makes it impossibe to read your manual. So it is for the rubbish.

  4. Just found this page. Thank you for making this webpage user manual.

  5. thanks ... but link is dead ... thanks anyway.

  6. Thanks for the material. As mentioned by others, the pdf link is not working, but lots of useful info on your blog.


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