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SKMEI 1418 / 1427 second timezone

SKMEI 1418 / 1427 does not have an extensive world time zones like my Casio SGW300HD-1AV or Casio AE-1200WHD. It only has one time zone that you can set whenever you reach another country with different time zone. I think it is enough for most people who will only travel to one country at a time unless you are a globetrotter that visits multiple countries in one go.

Buttons and main screen layout

Setting the 2nd time zone time

1.    Press and hold the MODE button to enter the setting mode.
2.    Press MODE button to select hour or minute.
3.    Press UP or DOWN button to increase or decrease.
4.    Press and hold the MODE button to apply the setting.

SKMEI 1418 / 1427 other contents


  1. this site has really helped me

  2. Dual time on Skmei 1427. The seconds are not in sync with the current time.Is there any way to put the seconds to
    zero? When calibrating only the hour and minute can't be changed.

  3. Hi Boon Seong,
    thanks for your explanations!
    I got one issue, perhaps you can help. I am not able to reset the seconds of the dual time zone. And they seem independent of the main time. Main time is set perfectly, but my dual time seconds differ by 22 and I dont find a way how to correct them.
    Thanks Horst


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