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SKMEI 1418 / 1427 digital barometer

SKMEI 1418 / 1427 barometer mode displays the current air pressure and current temperature measurement. It also stores a history of air pressure measurement for 24 hours with one measurement per hour. Keep reading to find out how to set it up, calibrate and use it.

Buttons and main screen layout

Setting mode

1.    From the main screen, press the dedicated BAROmeter button to enter barometer mode.
2.    Press and hold the MODE button to enter barometer-setting mode.
In the setting mode, you can cycle through three types of settings for barometer mode using the MODE button.
AIRP CAL = Air pressure calibration
TEMP CAL = Temperature calibration
F.DEF CAL = Reset to default factory settings

Air pressure calibration

1.    Cycle to AIRP CAL screen and press either the UP or DOWN button to increase or decrease your customized air pressure value.
2.    Press and hold the MODE button to apply your change.

Temperature calibration

1.    Cycle to TEMP CAL screen and press either the UP or DOWN button to increase or decrease your customized temperature value.
2.    Press and hold the MODE button to apply your change.

Reset to default factory settings

1.    Cycle to F.DEF CAL screen and press either the UP or DOWN button to select yes or no.
2.    Press and hold the MODE button to apply your selection.

Changing the top display

While in barometer mode screen, press the BAROmeter button to cycle the top display to show different information.
Temperature --> Averaged air pressure --> Air pressure history graph
The air pressures’ history graph is showing air pressure measured every hour automatically in the background.

Viewing air pressure history

1.    While in barometer mode screen, press the BAROmeter button to cycle the top display to show the air pressures’ history graph.
2.    Press the DOWN button to immediately showing the air pressure measurement of the last hour.
3.    Keep pressing the DOWN button to cycle back in time hour by hour to show the air pressure measurement of each hour.
The watch will keep a history of 12 hours of measurements. While cycling through the history, notice the flashing of the air pressures’ history graph, which indicates how far back of the history you are looking at.

Changing the air pressure and temperature measurement unit

While in the barometer mode screen and the top display is showing temperature, press and hold the BAROmeter button to cycle the combinations of air pressure and temperature measurement unit.
degC, hpa/mb --> degC, inHg --> degF, hpa/mb --> degF, inHg

SKMEI 1418 / 1427 other contents


  1. Really helpful with this post man.. great job ! Anyway, how to turn on wheater forecast in skmei 1418watch? Is it turn on automaticly as i set the ABC function? Or should i set it manualy? If i must set it manually, how to set it up?

    1. Ah the weather forecast. I did not write about it's weather forecasting feature because I don't quite understand it. However, the feature is always on. You can't turn it off. You can manually set what is the current weather and the watch will set that to it's current baro and temp reading as reference (i think).

  2. How to setup baro, temp, alt? I follow barometer apps, but from the watch still not accurate, except for baro..any idea?

  3. Thank you for your instructions! I had trouble switching from old imperial to metric in the barometer, and this solved it.

  4. Hi, thanks for the manual, very useful. Unfortunatly my 1427 model drains the battery in 24 hours, probably a factory failure. It works fine until then though. If you know of any tips on this subject, would be much appreciated.

  5. The temperature is not measured automatically, the temperature from 0.0 - 0.5 ° C is still shown.
    When I set the temperature manually, it still shows the same temperature. Please don't know what to do with it? Thank you.


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