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SKMEI 1358 stopwatch function

This SKMEI 1358 stopwatch function is represented as CHR which I believe it is short for the chronograph. The operation is pretty straightforward and similar to other watches with the Start and Reset buttons are printed on the watch.

Buttons and main screen layout

Starting and stopping the stopwatch

1.    Press the START button to start or stop the stopwatch.
2.    When the stopwatch stopped, press and hold the RESET button to reset it.

Timing laps

1.    While the stopwatch is running, press the RESET button to record the lap time. It can hold up to 99 laps time.
2.    To view the lap times after the stopwatch stopped, press and hold the MODE button.
3.    Press UP or DOWN button to view each lap time.

SKMEI 1358 other contents


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