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SKMEI 1358 watch main screen

SKMEI 1358 has five buttons that perform various functions depends on the mode or screen it is in. For example on the main screen, the dedicated barometer button is to switch the mode to barometer mode from the main screen. When in the setting mode, the same button performs as an up button or when in stopwatch mode, the same button is the start button. Keep reading to learn how to navigate through the watch modes from the main screen.

Switching the watch screens

1.    From the main screen, press the MODE button to cycle the watch screens for different types of functions:
Main screen (Time and date) --> STEP (Pedometer) --> REC (Pedometer history) --> ALM (Alarm) --> CHR (Stopwatch/Chronometer) --> TMR (Countdown timer) --> PACER --> T2 (2nd time zone)
2.    From the main screen, press the BAROmeter button to go to the digital barometer screen. Press the MODE button to go back to the main screen.
3.    From the main screen, press the COMPass button to go to the digital compass screen. Press the MODE button to go back to the main screen.
4.    From the main screen, press the ALTImeter button to go to the altimeter screen. Press the MODE button to go back to the main screen.

Setting mode

1.    From the main screen, press and hold the MODE button to enter the watch setting screen.
2.    Press the MODE button to cycle the settings:
Seconds --> Minute --> Hour --> Year --> Month --> Date --> Date and month display format --> 12/24 hr format --> LCD brightness --> button beep --> weather forecast display
3.    For each setting, press the UP or DOWN button to change it.

SKMEI 1358 other contents


  1. My watch arrived turned off. How do I turn it on?

    1. Sounds like a faulty watch. You have to return it for replacement.

  2. How do i get the day of the week in the mainscreen, instead of the temperature?

    I think i accidently pressed some buttons

  3. My week screen turn in to temperature, how to get it back to show the name of day?


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