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How to force exit or close WhatsApp

This post will show you how to force exit or close WhatsApp application running on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. WhatsApp is a great mobile messaging application that runs on  iPhones, Androids, Blackberry and Nokia. For those who does not have a data plan, running WhatsApp can be very expensive. It is also drains battery pretty fast while the application is running in the background. WhatsApp cannot be turn off. The "Exit" button in WhatsApp does not turn the application completely off. It will seems like it is turn off but it is still running in the background. WhatsApp will always maintain connection (by force!) by going through your available 3G, EDGE amd WIFi connection presets to connect without notification.

This is how i force exit or close WhatsApp from running (even background process) on my Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.
  1. Install NetQin Mobile Guard 3.0 for Symbian and run the application.
  2. Click on OS Scan and NetQin will display a report after scanning your phone.
  3. Go to "Auto-start apps" to disable WhatsApp from auto start whenever the phone restarts.
  4. Go to "Memory usage" to close currently running WhatsApp application.
  5. WhatsApp is now completely turned off. 


  1. Thank you for the tip! It perfectly worked for me and the NetQin app is really useful, not only for that purpose!

  2. Thanks! It was really useful.

  3. Thanks man. You are awesome!.

  4. Thanks for the tips. really work. amazing

  5. thank you soooo much it really very helpful ,you're awesome

  6. Thanks man... it worked like a charm... :)

  7. Yeah, it works. But then I have to live with NetQin open, which also consumes memory...

  8. Best TaskMan for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic version 3.00 is much better! Trust me.

  9. my phone does not support sisx format files, what to do?

  10. Thanks..................... Best App and 100% working ............
    Thanks Thanks Thanks

  11. Can you please give a similar solution for Blackberry ? Downloaded Netqin Security. But no such option there

    1. Sorry. I don't have a blackberry phone to test it out.

    2. Ok.. Thank you for your prompt reply.. Good job Done

  12. WhatsApp Still appear after Closing it from "Auto-Start Apps " and "Memory Usage"

  13. Thank you very much !!!!!!

  14. I don't know who are you but..I LOVE YOU! I've got a nokia c5-00 and it's too old for Closewhatsapp. So I've download you app and now whatsapp doesn't start alone everytime!

    Thanks! You saved me!!!!


    1. Hello Maggie, I didn't know this old post is still useful! I'm glad it helped you. I am not sure where is my old Nokia 5800, LOL. I am very sure I did not threw it away or sold it.


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