Table of countries with their country codes and GMT offsets
To use this table to set the world time on a Casio watch, follow these steps:
1. Identify the country or region for which you want to set the time on your Casio watch.
2. Find the corresponding country code in the table. The country code is listed in the second column next to the country name.
3. Look at the GMT offset listed in the third column for the respective country code. This offset represents the time difference between the country's local time and GMT.
4. Adjust the time on your Casio watch based on the GMT offset you found. If the GMT offset is positive, add the offset to the current time on your watch. If the GMT offset is negative, subtract the offset from the current time on your watch. This adjustment will set the correct world time for the selected country or region.
For example, if you want to set the world time on your Casio watch to Australia, locate the country code "AU" in the table. The GMT offsets for Australia are listed as GMT+8 for Perth, GMT+9.5 for Adelaide, and GMT+10 for Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney. Choose the GMT offset that corresponds to the specific city or region in Australia you want to set the time for and adjust your watch accordingly.
Remember that this table provides the GMT offsets as a reference, and there may be additional considerations such as daylight saving time or regional variations that could affect the accurate setting of world time on your Casio watch. It's always a good idea to consult the watch's manual for specific instructions on setting world time and taking into account any additional factors.
Country |
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) |
Afghanistan |
AF |
GMT+4:30 |
Albania |
AL |
GMT+1 |
Algeria |
DZ |
GMT+1 |
Andorra |
AD |
GMT+1 |
Angola |
AO |
GMT+1 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
AG |
GMT-4 |
Argentina |
AR |
GMT-3 (Buenos Aires) |
Armenia |
AM |
GMT+4 |
Australia |
AU |
GMT+8 (Perth), GMT+9.5 (Adelaide), GMT+10 (Brisbane), GMT+10 (Canberra), GMT+10 (Melbourne), GMT+10 (Sydney) |
Austria |
AT |
GMT+1 |
Azerbaijan |
AZ |
GMT+4 |
Bahamas |
BS |
GMT-5 |
Bahrain |
BH |
GMT+3 |
Bangladesh |
BD |
GMT+6 |
Barbados |
BB |
GMT-4 |
Belarus |
BY |
GMT+3 |
Belgium |
BE |
GMT+1 |
Belize |
BZ |
GMT-6 |
Benin |
BJ |
GMT+1 |
Bhutan |
BT |
GMT+6 |
Bolivia |
BO |
GMT-4 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BA |
GMT+1 |
Botswana |
BW |
GMT+2 |
Brazil |
BR |
GMT-2 (Fernando de Noronha), GMT-3 (BrasĆlia), GMT-4 (Manaus), GMT-4 (Amazon), GMT-4 (Mato Grosso), GMT-5 (Acre), GMT-5 (RondĆ“nia), GMT-5 (Roraima) |
Brunei |
BN |
GMT+8 |
Bulgaria |
BG |
GMT+2 |
Burkina Faso |
BF |
Burundi |
BI |
GMT+2 |
Cabo Verde |
CV |
GMT-1 |
Cambodia |
KH |
GMT+7 |
Cameroon |
CM |
GMT+1 |
Canada |
CA |
GMT-3.5 (Newfoundland), GMT-4 (Halifax), GMT-5 (Toronto), GMT-6 (Winnipeg), GMT-6 (Regina), GMT-7 (Edmonton), GMT-8 (Vancouver) |
Central African Republic |
CF |
GMT+1 |
Chad |
TD |
GMT+1 |
Chile |
CL |
GMT-3 (Santiago), GMT-4 (Punta Arenas) |
China |
CN |
GMT+8 |
Colombia |
CO |
GMT-5 |
Comoros |
KM |
GMT+3 |
Congo (Republic) |
CG |
GMT+1 |
Costa Rica |
CR |
GMT-6 |
Croatia |
HR |
GMT+1 |
Cuba |
CU |
GMT-5 |
Cyprus |
CY |
GMT+2 |
Czech Republic |
CZ |
GMT+1 |
Denmark |
DK |
GMT+1 |
Djibouti |
DJ |
GMT+3 |
Dominica |
DM |
GMT-4 |
Dominican Republic |
DO |
GMT-4 |
Ecuador |
EC |
GMT-5 |
Egypt |
EG |
GMT+2 |
El Salvador |
SV |
GMT-6 |
Equatorial Guinea |
GQ |
GMT+1 |
Eritrea |
ER |
GMT+3 |
Estonia |
EE |
GMT+2 |
Eswatini |
SZ |
GMT+2 |
Ethiopia |
ET |
GMT+3 |
Fiji |
FJ |
GMT+12 |
Finland |
FI |
GMT+2 |
France |
FR |
GMT+1 |
Gabon |
GA |
GMT+1 |
Gambia |
GM |
Georgia |
GE |
GMT+4 |
Germany |
DE |
GMT+1 |
Ghana |
GH |
Greece |
GR |
GMT+2 |
Grenada |
GD |
GMT-4 |
Guatemala |
GT |
GMT-6 |
Guinea |
GN |
Guinea-Bissau |
GW |
Guyana |
GY |
GMT-4 |
Haiti |
HT |
GMT-5 |
Honduras |
HN |
GMT-6 |
Hungary |
HU |
GMT+1 |
Iceland |
IS |
India |
IN |
GMT+5:30 |
Indonesia |
ID |
GMT+7 (Jakarta), GMT+8 (Jayapura) |
Iran |
IR |
GMT+3:30 |
Iraq |
IQ |
GMT+3 |
Ireland |
IE |
Israel |
IL |
GMT+3 |
Italy |
IT |
GMT+1 |
Jamaica |
JM |
GMT-5 |
Japan |
JP |
GMT+9 |
Jordan |
JO |
GMT+3 |
Kazakhstan |
KZ |
GMT+5 (Almaty), GMT+6 (Astana) |
Kenya |
KE |
GMT+3 |
Kiribati |
KI |
GMT+12 (Tarawa), GMT+13 (Christmas Island) |
Korea (North) |
KP |
GMT+9 |
Korea (South) |
KR |
GMT+9 |
Kuwait |
KW |
GMT+3 |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG |
GMT+6 |
Laos |
LA |
GMT+7 |
Latvia |
LV |
GMT+2 |
Lebanon |
LB |
GMT+3 |
Lesotho |
LS |
GMT+2 |
Liberia |
LR |
Libya |
LY |
GMT+2 |
Liechtenstein |
LI |
GMT+1 |
Lithuania |
LT |
GMT+2 |
Luxembourg |
LU |
GMT+1 |
Madagascar |
MG |
GMT+3 |
Malawi |
MW |
GMT+2 |
Malaysia |
MY |
GMT+8 |
Maldives |
MV |
GMT+5 |
Mali |
ML |
Malta |
MT |
GMT+1 |
Marshall Islands |
MH |
GMT+12 |
Mauritania |
MR |
Mauritius |
MU |
GMT+4 |
Mexico |
MX |
GMT-7 (Tijuana), GMT-6 (Mexico City), GMT-5 (CancĆŗn) |
Micronesia |
FM |
GMT+10 (Chuuk), GMT+11 (Pohnpei), GMT+11 (Kosrae), GMT+11 (Yap) |
Moldova |
MD |
GMT+2 |
Monaco |
MC |
GMT+1 |
Mongolia |
MN |
GMT+8 (Ulaanbaatar), GMT+9 (Choibalsan) |
Montenegro |
ME |
GMT+1 |
Morocco |
MA |
Mozambique |
MZ |
GMT+2 |
Myanmar |
MM |
GMT+6:30 |
Namibia |
NA |
GMT+2 |
Nauru |
NR |
GMT+12 |
Nepal |
NP |
GMT+5:45 |
Netherlands |
NL |
GMT+1 |
New Zealand |
NZ |
GMT+12 |
Nicaragua |
NI |
GMT-6 |
Niger |
NE |
GMT+1 |
Nigeria |
NG |
GMT+1 |
North Macedonia |
MK |
GMT+1 |
Norway |
NO |
GMT+1 |
Oman |
OM |
GMT+4 |
Pakistan |
PK |
GMT+5 |
Palau |
PW |
GMT+9 |
Panama |
PA |
GMT-5 |
Papua New Guinea |
PG |
GMT+10 |
Paraguay |
PY |
GMT-4 |
Peru |
PE |
GMT-5 |
Philippines |
PH |
GMT+8 |
Poland |
PL |
GMT+1 |
Portugal |
PT |
Qatar |
QA |
GMT+3 |
Romania |
RO |
GMT+2 |
Russia |
RU |
GMT+2 (Moscow), GMT+3 (St. Petersburg), GMT+5 (Yekaterinburg), GMT+6 (Omsk), GMT+7 (Novosibirsk), GMT+8 (Krasnoyarsk), GMT+9 (Irkutsk), GMT+10 (Yakutsk), GMT+11 (Vladivostok), GMT+12 (Magadan), GMT+12 (Kamchatka) |
Rwanda |
RW |
GMT+2 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
KN |
GMT-4 |
Saint Lucia |
LC |
GMT-4 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
VC |
GMT-4 |
Samoa |
WS |
GMT+13 |
San Marino |
SM |
GMT+1 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
ST |
Saudi Arabia |
SA |
GMT+3 |
Senegal |
SN |
Serbia |
RS |
GMT+1 |
Seychelles |
SC |
GMT+4 |
Sierra Leone |
SL |
Singapore |
SG |
GMT+8 |
Slovakia |
SK |
GMT+1 |
Slovenia |
SI |
GMT+1 |
Solomon Islands |
SB |
GMT+11 |
Somalia |
SO |
GMT+3 |
South Africa |
ZA |
GMT+2 |
South Sudan |
SS |
GMT+3 |
Spain |
ES |
GMT+1 |
Sri Lanka |
LK |
GMT+5:30 |
Sudan |
SD |
GMT+2 |
Suriname |
SR |
GMT-3 |
Sweden |
SE |
GMT+1 |
Switzerland |
CH |
GMT+1 |
Syria |
SY |
GMT+3 |
Taiwan |
TW |
GMT+8 |
Tajikistan |
TJ |
GMT+5 |
Tanzania |
TZ |
GMT+3 |
Thailand |
TH |
GMT+7 |
Timor-Leste |
TL |
GMT+9 |
Togo |
TG |
Tonga |
TO |
GMT+13 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
TT |
GMT-4 |
Tunisia |
TN |
GMT+1 |
Turkey |
TR |
GMT+3 |
Turkmenistan |
TM |
GMT+5 |
Tuvalu |
TV |
GMT+12 |
Uganda |
UG |
GMT+3 |
Ukraine |
UA |
GMT+2 |
United Arab Emirates |
AE |
GMT+4 |
United Kingdom |
GB |
United States |
US |
GMT-5 (New York), GMT-6 (Chicago), GMT-7 (Denver), GMT-8 (Los Angeles), GMT-9 (Anchorage), GMT-10 (Honolulu) |
Uruguay |
UY |
GMT-3 |
Uzbekistan |
UZ |
GMT+5 |
Vanuatu |
VU |
GMT+11 |
Vatican City |
VA |
GMT+1 |
Venezuela |
VE |
GMT-4 |
Vietnam |
VN |
GMT+7 |
Yemen |
YE |
GMT+3 |
Zambia |
ZM |
GMT+2 |
Zimbabwe |
ZW |
GMT+2 |
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