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How to access hidden themes in Microsoft Windows 7

There are hidden themes that are only available to certain regional countries and they are Australia, Canada, Great Britain, United States and South Africa. This post will guide you how to find these hidden themes and apply to your current Windows 7 theme.

  1. Start your Windows Explorer by pressing "Windows button" + E on your keyboard. 
  2. Click Organize from the top left corner of the Windows Explorer to drop down a menu. 
  3. Select Folder and Search Options and navigate to the View tab. 
  4. Select Show hidden files, folders and drives.
  5. Uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
  6. Click Yes if prompted for confirmation. 
  7. Using your Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT
  8. There are five folders with the name:
    • MCT-AU (Australia)
    • MCT-CA (Canada)
    • MCT-GB (Great Britain)
    • MCT-US (United States)
    • MCT-ZA (South Africa) 
  9. Note that Australia, Canada and South Africa have the same themes. 
  10. Open the Theme folder inside any of a selected country folder. 
  11. Double click the xx.theme file to apply the theme into your current Windows 7 theme configuration. Once the theme is activated, the theme will be saved into your personalization options. You can now select the theme from your personalization settings.


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