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This is the table of contents for all blog posts related to Windows OS, DOS or Windows applications.

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Amazon Kindle

  1. How to eject Amazon Kindle Keyboard in Windows 7 for Charging Mode


  1. How to boot Asus EeePC 1005px from USB drive - New !!
  2. How to enable copy and paste between Windows machine and vncviewer viewing a Linux vnc session

Samsung Galaxy Note 4

  1. Streaming music to laptop speakers from Samsung Note 4 - New !!


  1. Auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder - New !!
  2. Automate Disk Cleanup in Windows XP
  3. Automate HDD Defragmentation in Windows XP
  4. Checking If A File Is Zero Byte in Windows batch
  5. Generate SSL certifications for Mosquitto MQTT TLS Security in Windows - New !!
  6. How to automate your CPU crypto currency mining whenever your Windows PC is idle - New !!
  7. How to create a large dummy file for testing purposes in Windows
  8. How to run a command or application with a different CPU priority in Windows 7 using DOS command - New !!
  9. How to start command window at a particular folder in Windows 7
  10. Setting day,month and year variables in Windows batch


  1. Auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder - New !!
  2. Automate Disk Cleanup in Windows XP
  3. Automate HDD Defragmentation in Windows XP
  4. Checking If A File Is Zero Byte in Windows batch
  5. Drag and drop path to command prompt in Windows 7
  6. Generate SSL certifications for Mosquitto MQTT TLS Security in Windows - New !!
  7. How "Heartbleed" vulnerability works in a comic strip - New !!
  8. How to access GOD mode in Microsoft Windows 7
  9. How to access hidden themes in Microsoft Windows 7
  10. How to automate your CPU crypto currency mining whenever your Windows PC is idle - New !!
  11. How to boot Asus EeePC 1005px from USB drive - New !!
  12. How to bypass the Windows "open with" using web service
  13. How to create a large dummy file for testing purposes in Windows
  14. How to create seperators in Windows Vista Menu
  15. How to eject Amazon Kindle Keyboard in Windows 7 for Charging Mode
  16. How to enable copy and paste between Windows machine and vncviewer viewing a Linux vnc session
  17. How to install Adobe Flash plugin in to Tor Browser
  18. How to quickly start a new instance of a running program in Windows 7
  19. How to rip DVDs to MKV or MP4 files - New !!
  20. How to run Sysinternals tools directly from the web
  21. How to run a command or application with a different CPU priority in Windows 7 using DOS command - New !!
  22. How to search "tab" in Ms Notepad or Wordpad
  23. How to set Google Chrome custom proxy server settings independently from Internet Explorer proxy settings
  24. How to start command window at a particular folder in Windows 7
  25. How to turn your Windows 7 laptop or dekstop into a WiFi repeater or extender
  26. Setting day,month and year variables in Windows batch
  27. Skip the Login Screen: Enable Auto-Login on Windows 11 Today - New !!
  28. Streaming music to laptop speakers from Samsung Note 4 - New !!
  29. What is the difference between javaw.exe and java.exe ?
  30. Winscp to Putty without PuTTY Portable Linker
  31. Workarounds for Windows File History to use internal drive - New !!

Windows 10

  1. Auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder - New !!
  2. Generate SSL certifications for Mosquitto MQTT TLS Security in Windows - New !!
  3. Workarounds for Windows File History to use internal drive - New !!

Windows 11

  1. Skip the Login Screen: Enable Auto-Login on Windows 11 Today - New !!

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