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This is the table of contents for all blog posts related to Linux operating system, scripting, applications or information.

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  1. How to connect Samsung Galaxy Nexus to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using MTP

D-Link DNS-320L

  1. Mounting NFS share directory from D-link DNS 320L on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


  1. .is_audio_player
  2. Adding or Installing Extra HDD to Ubuntu Linux
  3. Auto Setup $DISPLAY pointing to connecting client machine
  4. Cheking if a named process is running
  5. Common Unix/Linux Commands List
  6. Create individual tar.gz archive for every directory found in current location
  7. Creating a simple local Ubuntu repositories
  8. Customizing Kino MP4 Export Profiles
  9. Disabling Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Boot Splash Screen
  10. Download A Web Site With wget
  11. Enable "Two-finger scrolling" in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick
  12. Flash Video No Longer Saved in tmp Directory
  13. How Linux is Built
  14. How To Setup Citrix Client On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  15. How To Start VNC Session With Gnome Desktop
  16. How to Mount An ISO File From Command
  17. How to boot Asus EeePC 1005px from USB drive - New !!
  18. How to connect Samsung Galaxy Nexus to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using MTP
  19. How to customized Sound Juicer MP3 output format
  20. How to enable copy and paste between Windows machine and vncviewer viewing a Linux vnc session
  21. How to find and delete files using command in Linux
  22. How to get Harddisk UUID in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  23. How to hide any files in an image file
  24. How to install Google Earth on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  25. How to make your thumb drive to appear as a portable music player in Banshee or Rhythmbox
  26. How to prevent Raspberry Pi SD card cloning - New !!
  27. How to remove a record of an installed package without removing the installed files in Linux - New !!
  28. How to reset Rhythmbox Music Library
  29. How to run a command with a different CPU priority in Linux - New !!
  30. How to search and replace text strings in multiple text files using sed
  31. How to securely erase or wipe disk drives using bootable Ubuntu Live USB thumb drive - New !!
  32. How to setup Tonido Desktop on Ubuntu 12.04LTS
  33. Install Picasa Windows in Linux
  34. Mounting NFS share directory from D-link DNS 320L on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  35. My Conky Script
  36. One line Linux command to kill all instances of a program or script running in the background - New !!
  37. Picasa for Linux
  38. RAW to Jpeg image conversion script for Nautilus Actions Configuration
  39. Reduce Disk Writes With noatime, nodiratime and relatime in Linux
  40. Reduce Disk Writes With swappiness in Linux
  41. Reduce Disk Writes With tmpfs in Linux
  42. Schedule or time your Shutdown in Ubuntu Linux
  43. Simple Backup Script with Rsync
  44. Ten Google Search Tricks To Ease Our Life
  45. Things todo for a clean upgrade of Ubuntu Linux
  46. Turn off USB and LAN on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  47. Turn off the HDMI output on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  48. Turn off the Power LED on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  49. Turn off the WiFi and Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  50. Turn or switch off your monitor display using command line in Ubuntu Linux
  51. Understanding ext4 filesystem


  1. Install Picasa Windows in Linux
  2. Picasa for Linux
  3. RAW to Jpeg image conversion script for Nautilus Actions Configuration

Raspberry Pi

  1. How to prevent Raspberry Pi SD card cloning - New !!
  2. How to remove a record of an installed package without removing the installed files in Linux - New !!
  3. Turn off USB and LAN on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  4. Turn off the HDMI output on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  5. Turn off the Power LED on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!
  6. Turn off the WiFi and Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ - New !!

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  1. How to connect Samsung Galaxy Nexus to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using MTP


  1. Create individual tar.gz archive for every directory found in current location
  2. How to find and delete files using command in Linux
  3. How to prevent Raspberry Pi SD card cloning - New !!
  4. How to run a command with a different CPU priority in Linux - New !!
  5. How to search and replace text strings in multiple text files using sed
  6. One line Linux command to kill all instances of a program or script running in the background - New !!


  1. How to boot Asus EeePC 1005px from USB drive - New !!
  2. How to enable copy and paste between Windows machine and vncviewer viewing a Linux vnc session

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