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How to maximize your Nokia 5800 battery's life

How you use your phone is according to your personal preferences. Thus this makes the battery's life (per charge) of Nokia 5800 used by 2 different person varies. Some might claimed that their phone actually lasts up to 4 days but some might claimed their phone will only served them less than a day. Below is a list of actions you can do to make your Nokia 5800 battery last as long as possible. Use it as a guide.
Do not switch off the phone
Switching off and on (restart) the phone will actually consumes significant amount of battery power. A few restarts of the phone will drain your battery power significantly till dropping the first battery indicator bar on a fully charged battery.

If you are required to switch off the phone, use the Offline mode instead. You can easily switch to Offline mode by switching to Offline profile. 
  • Menu > Settings > Personal > Profiles
Turn down the screen brightness level to the lowest
The LCD display is very power hungry. Setting the screen brightness level to the lowest will probably gives you the most highest battery power saving for the phone.
  • Menu > Settings > Phone > Display > Light Sensor
Switch off screen when not in use
Setting a short LCD light time-out or auto locking time-out will help you to save significant amount of battery power too. Combine this with the lowest screen brightness will gives you the most significant / visible savings of your battery power.
  • Menu > Settings > Phone > Display > Light time-out
  • Menu > Settings > Phone > Phone Management > Auto. keyguard
Use 2G instead of 3G
Although the difference is not much in terms of standby time but it is more significant in talk time. 
  • Menu > Settings > Connectivity > Network > Network Mode
Switch off Bluetooth and WiFi Scanner
If you don't need them, switch them off.
  • Menu > Settings > Connectivity >  Bluetooth
  • Menu > Settings > Connectivity > Wireless LAN
Running Applications
Again, if you don't need them, exit the applications. Don't leave them running in the background. 
  1. To terminate any applications that might be running in the background, hold the white button till a menu pops up. This menu will show you the list of running applications in the background. 
  2. Hold any of the applications icon on the list till a small menu pops up. The small menu that pops up will gives you 2 options which is Open or Exit. 
  3. Press Exit to terminate the running application.
Use 3rd Party Software to Auto Manage The Power Hungry Features
3rd party applications like:
are useful to manage the screen brightness, screen light time-out, Bluetooth, WiFi and running applications; according to the phone's battery level indicator bar.

You can even make use of Offline profile by scheduling the profile switch during your:
  • Sleeping time at night (6 - 8 hours)
  • Flights (1 - 16 hours)
    To schedule your profile switch, you can use 3rd party application like:


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