Install Picasa Windows in Linux
[Update 20th Aug 2010] Install method works with Picasa v3.8
[Update 14th Apr 2012] Install method works with Picasa v3.9
[Update 14th Jan 2013] Download link for Picasa for Linux deb install package file
[Update 14th Apr 2012] Install method works with Picasa v3.9
[Update 14th Jan 2013] Download link for Picasa for Linux deb install package file
Google has done it again. They have released a great Photo organizer + editor + uploader + cool etc ... But! Yes, there's always a but. Picasa developers in Google left Linux users (one of them is me) in high and dry.
Being in Linux world, there always workarounds or customizations. Heck! Picasa 3 for Linux offered by Google itself is a workaround for Linux users. A short search(Googling of course) around the internet, i found 3 workaround methods to install Picasa 3.6 in my Linux box.
Workarounds in overview:
- Install Wine and install Picasa 3.6
The problem with this is that you won't get the Gnome integration that Picasa 3 for Linux offers.
- Install Picasa 3 for Linux and replaced the whole install directory with Picasa 3.6. But of course, you will have too install Wine and install Picasa 3.6 in order for you to get the install directory for Picasa 3.6.
This method seems ok but i need to do method 1 to get Picasa 3.6 install directory?
- Use the wine environment from Picasa 3 for Linux installation to install Picasa 3.6
I like this method. It's clean and i still get all the Gnome integration that i previously enjoyed with Picasa 3 for Linux package provided by Google Picasa team.
- Must have the Google Picasa 3 for Linux installed.
If not refer to Google Picasa 3 for Linux install instructions. - Google had stop supporting Picasa for Linux hence they have taken down the download link. Please go to this post to download the deb install package file.
- Download the Picasa 3.6 windows installation file.
- Open up a terminal.
- CD to the directory where Picasa 3.6 windows installation file was downloaded to.
- Run this command as root:
WINEPREFIX=/opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine /opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/bin/wine picasa36-setup.exe - Go through the usual Picasa installation windows.
- Clicking places will freezes Picasa. Restarting Picasa does not solve it as it will continue freezing Picasa.
- Edit ~/.google/picasa/3.0/user.reg
- Find the line:
“active_metadata_tab”=”places_toggle” - Replace it with:
“active_metadata_tab”=”" - Restart Picasa.
- Don’t click “Places” anymore!
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