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Customize Amazon Kindle Keyboard horizontal text margin

Fig 1 : Default margin
This post will show you how you can customize the left and right margin.

In your Amazon Kindle Keyboard, to adjust the left and right margins of your text, you can use the "Words per line" option from the font sizes menu (press AA key to the right of the spacebar on the keyboard). The option provides you with three types of margin sizes with friendly names. They are default, fewer and fewest. You might feel that at the smallest margin setting (default), there is still a lot of space left from the text to the side bezel. You can customize the margins even smaller till the text close to the side bezel.

Follow the steps below on how you can customize the left and right margins.

  1. On your Amazon Kindle, press Home button to go to your home page.
    This step is important to make sure the change you are going to do will take effect. If you are doing this while an eBook is open, the change will not take effect.
  2. Connect your Amazon Kindle to your computer with a USB cable.
  3. Open the folder in sequence : system >
  4. In the "" folder, open reader.pref file with a text editor.
  5. Look for the line that says: "HORIZONTAL_MARGIN=40".
  6. Change the number to a smaller number for smaller left and right margins.
    Margins of 20, 15 and 10 is a good starting points. Zero will put the text very close to the side bezel.
  7. Save and close the reader.pref file.
  8. Restart your Amazon Kindle:

    Menu > Settings > Menu > Restart
Note: After the change has taken effect, if you change the "Words per Line" preference in the AA menu, you will undo the change to the margins that you have just made.

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  1. Hi

    I couldn't find the path: system >

    Can you please advise?

    I have win7 professional

    1. I'm not sure why you can't find it. I can still find that folder in my Kindle.

  2. I dont have this folder on my Kindle. It just doesn`t exist.
    I have version 3.4

  3. The "system" folder is hidden. Even with "View | Hidden Items" checked in Windows Explorer (on Windows 10) it is not visible. You need to open a command prompt window and do "dir /ah d:" (or whatever driver letter the Kindle is mounted on). You can "cd system" and then "cd", allowing you edit the reader.pref file.

    This is for a Kindle Keyboard.


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