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How to Create a Photo Album in Your Amazon Kindle Keyboard

This is one of the Amazon Kindle Keyboard hidden features. It was not publicized at all by Amazon but never the less it's kind of cool to see eReading device can other than reading texts.

  1. Connect your Kindle Keyboard to your computer with the provided USB cable. A new removable drive named "Kindle" will appear in your computer.
  2. Create a folder named "pictures" directly under the Kindle drive.
  3. Create a sub folder under the "pictures" folder. This sub folder will be your photo album. Named your sub folder, which is also naming your photo album to your liking. 
  4. Transfer your pictures/photos into the sub folder / photo album.
  5. Safely remove the Kindle drive from your computer.
  6. Go to your Home screen.
  7. Refresh it by pressing "alt" and "z" buttons simultaneously.
  8. Your newly created photo album will appear as an eBook entry in your home screen. You open the photo album and browse the photos like reading a book. You can even organize it into collections.
  1. Image file formats supported are : JPEG,GIF and PNG.
  2. Recommended to rescale your image dimension to maximum 600x800 pixels to optimize file size and quality.
  3. Recommended to convert your image files to black and white to reduce file size.
Keyboard Shortcuts available:
  1. f = Full screen
  2. q = Zoom in
  3. w = Zoom out
  4. e = Reset zoom
  5. c = Actual size
  6. r = Rotate
  7. D-pad = Panning

  • 12 December 2011: Change "Kindle 3" to "Kindle Keyboard".


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